
I am unapologetic

  It was just a normal early hour at the airport lounge, while I hustled to make my way through the crowded lounge and found a place to be seated. I was just trying to grab some breakfast before boarding a flight. While I was waiting for my food to arrive, I bumped into an old acquaintance. He asked me if I was still living out of my suitcase (which is true), and then he asked me if my family had disowned me over my travel schedule. I told him no to both questions, because they're not really relevant to the conversation at hand. He then followed up with something that made me feel uncomfortable: "So tell me how you manage to travel so much? Who takes care of your child while you're away?" I didn't want to answer this question either--it seemed like an invasion of privacy--so instead I smiled politely and ignored it entirely. But then he kept going! "Is your husband ok with all these trips?" he asked again. I am a woman; I am a mother and I am so t

Who are these others by the way, do they really matter ?

It’s about time that we stop worrying ourselves and our people around us about what will others think. Who are these others by the way this is the thought that always comes to my mind.  Credit Franklin Covey Here’s a story that I’m glad to share with you all and with this we will know who are these others by the way and do they really matter to you.  It’s about a city girl (Maisie) who was fearless but considerate, daring but loving, modern but was guided by her own values. One who always took up responsibilities of her loved ones and would go the any extend to fulfill it but never let her guard down. Maisie was trying to help her parents as they were going through lot of financial problems. One day she got to know about a part time job contractor through her friends and decided to check if she could get any part time job. So she informed her Mom about the same and joined the part time job. This did help Maisie family and support the families’ basic needs. So Maisie would attend col

Why Emotional Intelligence is important for people in Leadership Roles

Most of you might have heard or read about Emotional Intelligence (EI). This is a psychological theory developed by Peter Salovey & John Mayer. But Daniel Goleman took EI to the next level and popularized it with his 5 components theory. The 5 Main components of Emotional Intelligence (EI) just for your understanding. Self-Awareness -  The ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others Self-Regulation -  The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, and the propensity to suspend judgment and to think before acting. Hallmarks include trustworthiness and integrity; comfort with ambiguity; and openness to change. Internal Motivation -  A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Hallmarks include a strong drive to achieve, optimism even in the face of failure, and organizational commitment. Empathy -  The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. A skill in treating peopl

The Importance of a Mentor in your existence

The Importance of a Mentor in your existence. Today I have penned down about my first mentor who till date inspires me and constantly reminds me of those lessons that I learnt as growing up. Another excerpt from my life. This is from my school day... While I was a bit nervous about the district level Debate competition and representing my school. There was an element of doubt in my mind if I will do my best. A lot of hopes and expectations was pinned on me so the pressure was getting onto my mind. We had about 15 mins for the debate competition to start and my Sir said come let's just get some fresh air. As we were walking on the campus, the big blackboard caught my attention it had the thought for the day. Which read "Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached " - Swami Vivekananda. This quote was like a heavy confidence booster, my energizer. It was powerful and impacted me, my nervousness and apprehensions just vanished in thin air. Thanked my Sir for choosing

It is just a shoe Bite !

Another excerpt from my Life… As told to me since I was just 2 years + when this incident happened. We had a family wedding post 2 days celebration when everyone went back to their daily routines, most of them complaint of body ache, fever and diarrhea. I had developed high fever, just could not stand on my feet. Was taken to the Pediatric and I believe he refused to check on me and asked my parents to take me another Doctor and rush to bigger hospital. Since Dad knew other Doctor’s in the locality, he immediately rushed me to a well-known General Physician and he said symptoms look like  Poliomyelitis.  Gave the immediate medical care and asked my Dad to consult a specialist at other hospitals. After 2 days when my fever subsided, I still could not stand or balance myself. Several Doctors were consulted and they all told my Dad that I’m affected with Poliomyelitis. This means I might never be able to stand by myself; that I am disabled for life. I would need special aid and use clutch

Starting at Ground Zero !

I'm Bhavani Arun, the below is a short excerpt from my life Journey.  By profession I'm a Travel Advisor, Brand Analyst &  Aspiring Life Coach . My life calling has always been towards people and if I can help bring in some positive change would consider myself blessed.  While the current time could be causing a lot of stress & anxiety for most of us, because we have been so engrossed and worried about our future ahead. Even I went through the same feeling, only realized that when I started my career I was just 18 years old, decided to support my parents at that point in time we had financial issues. Being the eldest child wanted to help them.  Let me share my important Turns in my Life… Do not know how I decided then and gave up on my dreams and aspiration of becoming a child P sychologist . At that time, only thing on my mind was to help and support my family. However, after my 10th grade I wanted to start working and pursue my education through evening colleg