Starting at Ground Zero !

I'm Bhavani Arun, the below is a short excerpt from my life Journey. 

By profession I'm a Travel Advisor, Brand Analyst & Aspiring Life Coach. My life calling has always been towards people and if I can help bring in some positive change would consider myself blessed. 

While the current time could be causing a lot of stress & anxiety for most of us, because we have been so engrossed and worried about our future ahead.

Even I went through the same feeling, only realized that when I started my career I was just 18 years old, decided to support my parents at that point in time we had financial issues. Being the eldest child wanted to help them. 

Let me share my important Turns in my Life…

Do not know how I decided then and gave up on my dreams and aspiration of becoming a child Psychologist. At that time, only thing on my mind was to help and support my family.

However, after my 10th grade I wanted to start working and pursue my education through evening college. My Dad was not OK with that and told me to complete my 12th grade. 

Therefore, for my 11th & 12th grade I opted for commerce because I felt it would be better to take up commerce, as job opportunities would be more.

For those 2 years I took Tuition's for younger grade students, did part-time jobs like distributing pamphlets, new vehicle launch –road shows, political campaign during elections or any party meeting… loads of these...

After passing my 12th grade took up 6 months Company Secretarial Diploma course and got placed at an advocate and solicitor firm as Receptionist - Secretary – Office Admin. 

The entire earnings was used to run the family and get the basic needs. I changed jobs and pursued my graduation through evening college and completed my Post Graduation through reputed distance learning institution.

One of key motivating factor or drive in me was to keep my family members happy and get back our mortgaged house papers back, which we could accomplish when my youngest sister too started sharing the load. Grateful to her and the effort put in by her. 

As years passed by, responsibilities kept increasing and I had found my solace in my work and focused on my career growth so from being Receptionist to General Sales Manager. This has been an incredible Journey of 19 years, a roller coaster ride with the fair share of highs and lows.

When I look back at that phase of my life and see where I stand at the moment. I realise how blessed I'm and thankful that could have made it this far. With my Husband and In-laws support I am definitely at a better place. 

Then why should I be worried or depressed ? Without even knowing how I will manage the family responsibility back then, I sailed through my hurdles and difficulties with courage and hope. Never at any point gave up. Kept my spirit high and moved forward.

With this my dear friends, I just wanted to let you all know that do not blind your thoughts with fear, stress, anxiety and sadness. Rather use your thoughts, courage and motivation to move out from the current scenario, walk towards finding opportunities, and carve your own path.

Now even if it means starting at ground zero, face it with a smile, look around you opportunities are there and you need to identify and adapt towards those.

Stay hopeful and only if you attempt to walk towards the other end of the tunnel you will see light and that will take you to the brighter side of life...…



  1. Lovely, you have expressed yourself so well. Keep it going!! All the best

  2. This shows that when THE GOING GETS TOUGH,THE TOUGH GETS GOING . and you are the tough one.
    Way to go!!!
    Absolutely superb

  3. Very inspiring Bhu... πŸ™‚

  4. Beautifully written. You're an inspiration as always 😘

  5. Your story is inspiring. Please continue with writing. This will give way to a lot of people..

    1. Thank you Hanuman Bhakt for the kind words.

  6. What I love the most is your attitude to find something positive and be hopeful in all the situation and your thoughtfullness towards the people around you. Your never give up attitude is the cherry on top. Wish you lot more success and happiness Bhav.

    1. Gratitude ! Thank you so much for these kind words.

  7. Poignant thoughts well put across..keep them coming Bhavani!

  8. Really Nice one Bhavani. Keep it up and Go ahead further inspiring..

  9. Hi dear was a good read ..happy to note you have used the experiences in your life to build you and motivate you to help others .. stay blessed.. congratulations and best of luck... With a warm hug Jyothi Varma

  10. Thank you for such a great writing piece and I agree, never back down and just move forward in life, there will be more surprises that you can ever imagine. Keep it up Bhavani! :)

  11. Very inspiring and positive message. Something needed at this timeframe.

    1. Thank you. Staying positive is very important.

  12. Very well written and described..staying positive and moving on in life is the best mantra

  13. Very well written ,motivating and encouraging

  14. Very well written..ur journey so far had just about everything tat one can imbibe- hard work, resilience, positivity and most important of it all- love&caring for family..truly inspiring!!

  15. Inspiring!! Vision is so important is what I learnt in this .. great one Bhavani. Keep it going

  16. Now only coming to know of your struggle and hardship in your younger days. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and one has to have the patience and in your case it has paid by way of your achievement .Your blog post will inspire the youngster.
    Keep writing many more such posts. All the best.

    1. Thank you so much, really means a lot πŸ™

  17. Inspiring Bhavani, God Bless you

  18. That's an awesome expression to life and its challenges. You have the skill of narration. Keep goingπŸ‘Œ

  19. Articulated very well. Wishing you all the very best Bhavani. God bless..

  20. You are great, Bhavani. I salute you for the immense confidence with which you have faced your adversity. Taking responsibility at an young age and supporting your family is commendable. And taking your physical difficulties in your stride and moving forward with utmost confidence. You are a role model for youngsters these days, who are ready to surrender their life by drop of a hat. Equally, your parents and teachers are to be appreciated, who instilled confidence in you to face the challenges under adverse conditions. They have moulded you to become a confident person. Kudos to you. Wishing you all the best.

    1. This is from B N Sridhar

    2. Thank you so much Uncle means a lot. Yes gratitude to all of them and indebted to them for life.


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