The Importance of a Mentor in your existence

The Importance of a Mentor in your existence.

Today I have penned down about my first mentor who till date inspires me and constantly reminds me of those lessons that I learnt as growing up.

Another excerpt from my life. This is from my school day...

While I was a bit nervous about the district level Debate competition and representing my school. There was an element of doubt in my mind if I will do my best. A lot of hopes and expectations was pinned on me so the pressure was getting onto my mind.

We had about 15 mins for the debate competition to start and my Sir said come let's just get some fresh air. As we were walking on the campus, the big blackboard caught my attention it had the thought for the day.

Which read "Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached " - Swami Vivekananda.

This quote was like a heavy confidence booster, my energizer. It was powerful and impacted me, my nervousness and apprehensions just vanished in thin air.

Thanked my Sir for choosing to walk and get fresh air, which in turn got me not just fresh breathe of air but learning for life.

With the new gained energy and motivation. Just had one goal in mind let my school name shine high and my teachers who spent a good time helping me prepare for the competition. This could be my Guru Dakshina(Repaying my teachers).

When the results were announced we stood second. My Sir was very happy and proudly said the first time ever our school has won a debate competition at a district level.

All I did was thanked God and Swami Vivekananda his quote had such a positive impact on me.

All of this happened when I was in grade 7, though we had read about Swami Vivekananda in our curriculum. Was drawn towards his teachings and inspirational quotes.

I'm not a voracious reader but was happy reading about Swami Vivekananda. The same year our family holiday was to Kanyakumari and was super excited about visiting the Vivekananda Rock memorial. Those memories are still so fresh, the meditation hall where I found so much peace and contentment. Bought so many books from the centre. Given a choice wanted to just stay there forever.

Swami Vivekananda is my first Guru and Mentor, whenever I was confused wanted to find some answers would just randomly open the quotes book and close my eyes and point at the quotes. Those inspiring quotes were my answers to my problems.

Expressing my sincere Gratitude to Swami Vivekananda and his foresight, such a visionary, a true leader and mentor to millions of people. His teachings will always be inspiring for the generations to come.

These are a few quotes that have given me strength, they became values and lead me way forward.

"Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable".

"Who is helping you don’t forget them.
Who is loving you, don’t hate them.
Who believes you, don’t cheat them".

" Take Risk in your life, if you win you may lead them. If you lose, you may guide".

"Anything that makes you, physically, intellectually and spiritually weak. Reject it as poison ".

" All power is within you; You can do anything".

Hope you would have found some answers from this read. Its important that we choose right people in our life who can inspire and lead us on the right path. Someone who will appreciate your efforts and also correct you when your wrong. All of this can happen only when you pay attention to your self growth and well being.

Draw your inspiration from people who have impacted you in a very positive way it can be your parents, siblings, teachers, friends, colleagues, strangers and even your own children. It can be anyone, learn, implement and share ahead too.

Just follow your heart and you can never go wrong. Believe in your self...

Hope to meet you soon with my next learning in life...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Dr.Kumar and my gratitude to you. You are such an inspiration too

  2. Replies
    1. B N SRIDHAR. Hi Bhavani, you are fortunate , at an young age when you were in 7th grade to come across a quote by a great personality, a mentor, teacher, philosopher, guide, saint and sage, who taught that the human beings are the makers of their own destiny. "Strength is life, weakness is death. Strength Is felicity, life eternal, immortal, weakness is strain and misery, weakness is death. " To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. The above quotes are so relevant for all times to come and the specific quote you came across " Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached " must have inspired you as it has millions of Indians and others abroad. The very fact is you were able to grasp the content of the quote and move forward, taking inspiration from that is great. He was one of the finest mentor who has given direction, strength and make our own destiny. It is your good fortune that you have been guided by your teachers who got their own inspiration from such great personality. Yo must have felt elated when you visited vivekananda rock memorial at Kanyakumari, so peaceful and gives so much confidence. Even I have drawn inspiration which influenced my personality after I visited the memorial. You have aptly said in your ending paragraph " Draw your ___________ generations to come. I am highly impressed by your line of thinking and the positivity. Just one quote before I sign off, " our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live upto his own highest ideal and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the truth.

    2. Thank you Sridhar Uncle for articulating your thoughts and sharing your views. I'm blessed to have such wonderful and kind people in my life. Thank you and my sincere gratitude to all.

  3. Aptly said. Cultivating good habits & following mentor from childhood gives a good Foundation of life.

  4. Inspiring... This quote was there on my college compound wall which I used to read..


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