Who are these others by the way, do they really matter ?

It’s about time that we stop worrying ourselves and our people around us about what will others think. Who are these others by the way this is the thought that always comes to my mind. 

Credit Franklin Covey

Here’s a story that I’m glad to share with you all and with this we will know who are these others by the way and do they really matter to you. 

It’s about a city girl (Maisie) who was fearless but considerate, daring but loving, modern but was guided by her own values. One who always took up responsibilities of her loved ones and would go the any extend to fulfill it but never let her guard down.

Maisie was trying to help her parents as they were going through lot of financial problems. One day she got to know about a part time job contractor through her friends and decided to check if she could get any part time job. So she informed her Mom about the same and joined the part time job.

This did help Maisie family and support the families’ basic needs. So Maisie would attend college and then evening do her part time job which was basically running campaigns for new Vehicle launch or Rock show event tickets any such jobs that would come her way.

Since these were part time and depending on the nature of the job, she would end coming home late night. Slowly she started to handle more such part time jobs because the income earned was helping her family and support her sibling’s education.

But the locality that she lived in people seemed to be talking or gossiping about Maisie and started to create stories about her late night working. She became a topic of discussion and this was causing lot of discomfort for Maisie family members.

Maisie did not bother and never gave a Damn to any of these talks. One day her part time job ended very late and she was offered a ride back home by one of the guy who worked with her. Since it was late night, she did deny the offer and told will take public transport but it was way too late.

She took the ride back home and thanked the guy who was kind enough to drop her back home safely. When Maisie Mom saw her with the boy she was very unhappy. The minute Maisie entered her home. Her Mom told her from tomorrow you need not go for the part time job and you just pay attention on you college your exams are approaching.

Maisie found it a bit strange and asked her Mom if everything is OK, for which her Mom replied that we have arranged for some funds and things will be good going forward you need not worry.

Maisie was very happy and thanked God that things are working in their favor. Slept well and was looking forward to new beginnings.

Next day Maisie went to college and informed the part time job contractor that she will not be needing these part time jobs for now.

Few months went by and Maisie did not see any change or improvement in their financial conditions rather things had again gone to worse. Her parents were still in debt and they were finding it difficult to meet the ends.

Then Maisie spoke to her and asked her what happened, you told me that the condition has improved but I don’t see anything of that sort happening.

Maisie Mom broke down and told her the debts have increased and they don’t know how to solve this. Then Maisie asked her Mom why did you stop me from working, I was ready to help why did you do that.

Her Mom told her that everyone around were talking and discussing about you and your late night job and also that day a boy dropped you back home. With this people will talk more about you and what will others think about you and the family. Our relatives already feel that we are living out of your earning and sending you to work. There is lot of questions raised on the nature of the job you do.

Maisie was speechless, was fuming in anger and only thing she asked her mom was who are these others by the way. If they are so concerned about me, our family and our situation why are they not helping us ?

At that moment Maisie’s mom realized that, she cared more about what others think and she did not see how much her daughter was doing to save the family and somewhere she also felt that her thought was too very petty just like others and she did not trust her daughter.

Maisie’s Mom apologized for what had happened and from then on she did not care about what others think and only thing that mattered to her was to let her children pursue their dreams and let them spread their wings and fly high.

Here we can look at two aspects is it because Maisie was girl and working late she was a topic of discussion. Had she been a boy then would her neighbors be talking this way. Second view that I have is it could happen to boy as well if he had chosen some other kind of job which in their family or relatives could have found below the level of dignity or status.

This story can be yours and many others too, we are just caught up and blindly following the society rules and norms which are ridiculous. Let us not fall prey for these and restrict ourselves.

Pic Credits Positive Energy

Take a moment and see if you have been Maisie then continue to do what is right, if you have been like Maisie’s Mom then would really suggest that you stop worrying about what others will think. It should not matter because these others don’t mean anything to you. There are the factors or the obstacles, which does not let one grow, think or dream big. Even worse, when you are stuck in life these are the first people who will run out of your sight.

Live your dreams do not let anyone deter your confidence. As far as your conscious is clear and you are not causing anyone harm you should just continue to do what you do.

We should only consider or be concerned about people who truly matter to us and stand with us during our vicissitudes.

Few quotes which is so apt for the current context.

Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from Medicore minds –Albert Einsten
If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their Salve — James Frey
I do not live for what the world thinks of me, but for what I think of myself — Jack London

Hope this story and my thought has left you pondering… until my next one just follow your heart and keep going…


  1. True...u just need to trust itself n ignore others who are not concerned abt us

  2. True...u just need to trust itself n ignore others who are not concerned abt us

  3. Very relatable Bhavani. We get so tied up with what the society has to say about us , that we actually stop living because of them.
    It's high time we start bringing about a change in the way we think.Lets live and let live!!!!!

  4. Very relatable Bhavani. We get so tied up with what the society has to say about us , that we actually stop living because of them.
    It's high time we start bringing about a change in the way we think.Lets live and let live!!!!!

    1. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. Yes it's about time changes happen for good

  5. True ...we all have experienced at some point in life whay Maise experienced...buy as it is rightly said"kuch toh log kahenge,logon ka kaam hai kehna"....let not what people think be the driving or pull down factor in our lives.

  6. B N SRIDHAR. Very true, Bhavani ,one should not worry about what others say , we should follow our requirements and focus on our own dreams . Single minded commitment is needed to pursue our own goals and family requirement . Others only talk but never try to help , when families are in distress.

  7. Traditionally we are all bound by family values and this , 'What others will say' starts from the family only .
    Those who say this fail to realise that others will not be there when needed most!


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