I am unapologetic


It was just a normal early hour at the airport lounge, while I hustled to make my way through the crowded lounge and found a place to be seated.

I was just trying to grab some breakfast before boarding a flight. While I was waiting for my food to arrive, I bumped into an old acquaintance. He asked me if I was still living out of my suitcase (which is true), and then he asked me if my family had disowned me over my travel schedule. I told him no to both questions, because they're not really relevant to the conversation at hand. He then followed up with something that made me feel uncomfortable: "So tell me how you manage to travel so much? Who takes care of your child while you're away?" I didn't want to answer this question either--it seemed like an invasion of privacy--so instead I smiled politely and ignored it entirely.

But then he kept going! "Is your husband ok with all these trips?" he asked again.

I am a woman; I am a mother and I am so tired of being judged for my choices.

I have been asked the same question so many times. It’s like I've been labelled as a lazy woman who doesn't care about her family.

I'm not sure where this mindset came from, but for a long time it really bothered me. I'd get angry at myself for not being able to do everything on my own and be able to "have it all." But then I realized something: the world isn't fair. The people who think that way are usually the ones who don't know how hard it is to balance work with home life—and they certainly aren't doing anything to help their family.

Yes, I take pride in my ambition and vision.

I dream big, and I follow my dreams.

I believe in equality for women. There is no reason why women should be treated any differently than men, especially when it comes to their professional careers.

I believe in equality for all people, regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, or ability. We deserve respect and equal opportunity in the workplace—and that includes women. There are many reasons why women don't pursue leadership positions: they may not feel knowledgeable enough or ready for the position; they may be worried about backlash from their colleagues; or they may have internalized the idea that it's "not for them" because of their gender.

I do not need to be treated like a princess, and I do not need to be worshipped. I am equal to all men, and should be treated as such.

As women, we all have strengths that we can draw on when faced with challenges; we just need to remember them! One thing about being a woman in an industry dominated by men: You will hear people say things like: "It's not your fault!" Yes, it's true—it's never your fault if someone else makes an off-color comment about your gender. But it doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to do better! You deserve opportunities no matter what your background

I am not a feminist. I am unapologetic.

My pride in myself is what drives me forward, but also makes me want to work harder to achieve my goals.

"There is no force more powerful than a women determined to Rise"  

 - By Bosa Sebele 



  1. Hey hi... bhav.. I hv known from school days.. u hv always been up there n no1t looking back at things tht don't matter ... u r born to be free.. I meant u r u... be urself.. don't let others judge u.. they hv not walked in ur shoes to know where u hv reached n how... so just shoo them off... n fly my girl.. ur born to fly... love u loads... more success to u... cheers to life🥂


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