
Showing posts from June, 2020

It is just a shoe Bite !

Another excerpt from my Life… As told to me since I was just 2 years + when this incident happened. We had a family wedding post 2 days celebration when everyone went back to their daily routines, most of them complaint of body ache, fever and diarrhea. I had developed high fever, just could not stand on my feet. Was taken to the Pediatric and I believe he refused to check on me and asked my parents to take me another Doctor and rush to bigger hospital. Since Dad knew other Doctor’s in the locality, he immediately rushed me to a well-known General Physician and he said symptoms look like  Poliomyelitis.  Gave the immediate medical care and asked my Dad to consult a specialist at other hospitals. After 2 days when my fever subsided, I still could not stand or balance myself. Several Doctors were consulted and they all told my Dad that I’m affected with Poliomyelitis. This means I might never be able to stand by myself; that I am disabled for life. I would need special aid and use clutch

Starting at Ground Zero !

I'm Bhavani Arun, the below is a short excerpt from my life Journey.  By profession I'm a Travel Advisor, Brand Analyst &  Aspiring Life Coach . My life calling has always been towards people and if I can help bring in some positive change would consider myself blessed.  While the current time could be causing a lot of stress & anxiety for most of us, because we have been so engrossed and worried about our future ahead. Even I went through the same feeling, only realized that when I started my career I was just 18 years old, decided to support my parents at that point in time we had financial issues. Being the eldest child wanted to help them.  Let me share my important Turns in my Life… Do not know how I decided then and gave up on my dreams and aspiration of becoming a child P sychologist . At that time, only thing on my mind was to help and support my family. However, after my 10th grade I wanted to start working and pursue my education through evening colleg